About us

Paw Plus One is an Asian-American and women-owned business that specializes in a wedding service to help couples incorporate their furry best friend on their special day.

Meet the team

Liv Ryle

  • Liv grew up in the Bay Area (Fremont) and went to college at San Jose State, studying Human Resources Management. She still lives in the Bay Area with husband (Mike). In her spare time, she’s either learning a new hobby or binge-watching tv.

  • types really fast (~145wpm), dog whisperer, finding good shopping or travel deals

  • snowboarding, bouldering, camping, traveling, enjoys planning trips on spreadsheets


Heather Tran

  • Heather grew up in Sonoma County, went to college in Southern California, where she studied Business Economics then moved to San Francisco after graduation. She currently works in Private Equity, but has a creative side that is itching to surface.

  • Dog whisperer, shopping for designer bags in Europe, and eating snacks.

  • Traveling and cycling
